A secret BOM tool used for my PCB assembly

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Exploring PCB Design Tools: A interactive BOM tool for EAGLE


When it comes to PCB design, choosing the right software tool is crucial for efficiency and productivity. In this blog post, I will share my experience with two popular tools: EAGLE from Autodesk and Altium Designer. Having initially used EAGLE for my master’s thesis, I later had the opportunity to work with Altium Designer, and I can confidently say that Altium is a superior tool overall. However, EAGLE does have its advantages, such as its affordability, ease of learning, and user-friendly interface.

My MSc. Graduation Thesis

During my thesis, I embarked on the design of a PCB to integrate custom readout electronics. The main objective was to convert a current signal into a voltage signal using a transimpedance amplifier. Additionally, I included a voltage source to ensure signal stability, as well as precise voltage control for the target device. The complexity of the design required several chips to be soldered onto the board. While time constraints and the intricate nature of the project led me to outsource the assembly, I did explore an open-source tool. as a contingency plan.

Assembly by Professionals

Although I ultimately didn’t have to assemble the PCB myself, I still prepared the Interactive BOM tool and made it available online. I informed the professional assemblers about its existence, and they gladly utilized it. Their positive feedback and ease of use with the tool reinforced its effectiveness. Feedback from field experts is invaluable, and their satisfaction with the tool validated my decision to incorporate it. However, it’s worth noting that the tool is not compatible with Altium, but this limitation didn’t hinder my most recent projects as they were relatively less complex than my graduation project.

The Power of Exploration

I encourage you to explore thesecret BOM tool yourself. It can be a valuable asset in your PCB design journey, particularly for projects similar in complexity to my graduation thesis. Although Altium Designer emerged as my preferred tool due to its comprehensive features, don’t underestimate the advantages that EAGLE offers in terms of cost-effectiveness, ease of learning, and user-friendliness. Each tool has its place depending on the project’s requirements.


Choosing the right PCB design tool is a crucial decision, impacting the efficiency and success of your projects. Through my experience with EAGLE and Altium Designer, I discovered the strengths and weaknesses of each tool. While Altium Designer proves to be a superior choice overall, EAGLE’s affordability and ease of learning make it a viable option for certain projects. Additionally, I highlighted the open-source tool and its benefits, urging you to explore its potential for your own endeavors. Remember, every project is unique, so choose wisely and adapt to the tools that best suit your specific needs.

Feel free to try out the tool here and embark on your own exploration of PCB design!
