Enabling comments

1 minute read

Being social to connect and grow

Enabling comments has been for over a year on my to do list, but I never got to it. The need wasn’t very high as I didn’t get that many, if any website visits at all. Now I see spurious people visiting -or bots scraping- my website, I thought it is time to connect. My posts are just some random thoughts I have and want to write down. But it is always good to look back or reflect on it. One thing I have learned from working at a company is how good we humans are in working together. It enables us to go much farther than other animals. Furthermore it makes us grow and it is time to make that possible by letting others comment.

Bots and spam

The main deterrant was that I didn’t want bots spamming on my website. I hope the algorithms are good enough to prevent this these days. Proof is in the pudding so let’s see!


